On Thursday, May 23, 2024, the traditional manifestation “Bosnian Pyramids for Children” gathered children and their companions from six cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Archaeological – Tourist – Sports Park “Ravne 2”.

This was an opportunity for a whole day of socializing, but also a tour of the Ravne tunnel, the wonderful park “Ravne 2”, for games, fun, and sports activities. The children tried their hand at several sports, basketball, soccer, beach volleyball, chess, as well as skateboarding, and for those with musical potential, there was also a time to socialize with karaoke and music.

  • This was our fourth meeting with children from homes for children without parental care. This year we had the opportunity to host children from Bihać, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar, Zenica and Tuzla, more than 210 of them with teachers and guardians. This has become a tradition where one day a year our Foundation brings children who do not have the most important thing in life, which is parental love, and for one day under our auspices they play here, we provide them with entertainment and I am glad to see how from year to year have been growing for years, some have entered university, some we have been seeing all these years. This year we also changed the concept and now children are actively involved in various sports and activities, so we continue with this tradition and give guidance to other people. As for the future, I would like to have children from these countries of ours, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, for sports stars to get involved with their patronage and presence, for the children to spend a few days here in socializing, activities and getting to know friends. – Dr Semir Osmanagic told us.

In previous years, there was an event that gathered children and guardians from all homes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which unfortunately was closed, and the humanitarian project of the Foundation in the future may even surpass the mentioned event.

  • This was a beautiful day, a beautiful story and event where our children socialized, had the opportunity to meet their peers and spend the day in sports and recreational activities. The day was wonderful for us educators as well, and I am personally overjoyed and grateful because I had the opportunity to meet my colleagues, visit the Ravne tunnels, the park “Ravne 2”. A beautiful story, a beautifully spent day and a heartfelt thank you to the organizers. – Mediha Brkan, a teacher at the Mostar Children’s Home, told us.

This humane manifestation will be continued in the future, when, hopefully, we will be joined by children from other homes in our country, as well as children from the countries of the region.