As you know, the park “Ravne 2” in the Ravne complex is certainly the largest open-air art gallery, and this Saturday, June 15, it is richer in new content, i.e. 16 busts of prominent writers, poets and scientists from this area.
Poets and writers France Prešeren, Ivo Andric, Miroslav Krleza, Tin Ujevic, Mesa Selimovic, Desanka Maksimovic, Mak Dizdar and Aleksa Santic got their place in the most beautiful park in this area. Besides them, there are busts of scientists, Nobel laureates Vladimir Prelog and Lavoslav Ruzicka, as well as Milutin Milankovic, Rudjer Boskovic, Mihajlo Pupin, Muris Osmanagic, Mileva Ajnstajn-Maric and Jozef Stefan.
As pointed out by Dr. Semir Osmanagić, by the end of the year, pavilions dedicated to Kulin Ban, Baton and Alexander the Great can be expected in the park.
See below how the opening in the park “Ravne 2” went.