More and more volunteers from all over the world are returning to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, after a year or two in which their number was reduced due to the difficult way of arrival and travel. This year, the volunteer action in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids traditionally began on the first Monday of June and will last until October, and a large number of groups have already stayed in Visoko and worked at several locations.

We are happy that people from all over the world are coming back to us again after the period of pandemic and closure, so this year we again have 20 to 30 people from all over the world in the groups. We are currently working on cleaning the Ravna tunnel, together with the Foundation’s workers, and that makes us very happy because we are directly helping them in their work. So far, during this season, which is kind of in the middle, we have been engaged on the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun, and we have also done a lot of work on the Tumulus in Vratnica. We have been back in the Ravne Complex for some time and we are staying here in these tunnels until we finish the work we started. – tells us Marie Sophie, coordinator of volunteers at the “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation.

It is interesting to mention that this year the most volunteers so far come from Italy, but there are also other countries, and volunteers have again arrived in Visoko from all over the world and almost from all continents.

So far we have had volunteers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, but also from European countries, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Denmark, Scotland, Spain, the United Kingdom, but also from the USA, New Zealand and Australia . We currently have a group of about twenty people, most of whom are Italians, but also many people from this area who have been living and working in European countries for years. – Marie Sophie told us.

The work will continue in the coming period, and after finishing the work in the Ravne tunnels, it is expected to return to the Ravne 3 tunnels, which were discovered a few years ago, as well as the start of volunteer work in the newly discovered Ravne 6 tunnels.
