On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, a larger OHR delegation visited the Ravne Complex, and in a very short period of time, the High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, visited our locations for the second time, who once again enjoyed visiting the locations, but also socializing with colleagues from OHR. In the company of dr. Semir Osmanagic, the High Representative also visited part of the park “Ravne 2” and listened to information about certain installations and their meaning.

Among the guests were the highest officials of the OHR office in our country, for whom this was an opportunity to visit the locations, but also to rest and recharge their batteries.

– This is my first, but not the last, visit to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and it was a day full of enjoyment, with many activities and interesting things, as well as a lot of good energy. I found out about this project when I came to B&H and I am glad that there is a project in Bosnia that makes people think differently and opens their minds. Although I had intended to come for a long time, today I had an opportunity that I did not miss – Darren Clark, one of the directors at OHR, told us. He also emphasized the importance of a place like this for the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the entire region, because it is a place where people can enjoy themselves, regardless of where they come from. He also told us that he intends to visit again soon, but this time with his family coming from the United Kingdom. – I am happy to say that I want to come again, and I am planning the next visit with my family. This is a place full of positive energy and I hope there will be more places and locations like this around the world. – Mr. Clark told us.
