In the groups of volunteers who are arriving in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids this year, there are a large number of people from this area who have been scattered all over the world for years. One of them is Zorica Umicevic from Vojvodina, who has been living in Italy for years, and this year she arrived in Visoko for the first time with her son and husband to be part of the historical research project of the Bosnian pyramids.

I found out about the project through an Italian YouTube channel where I watched interesting things about the Bosnian pyramids and decided to come and see and experience it all myself. It’s great, I’m delighted, I’m here with a team of people from all over the world and now I can already say that I’ll be back next year, but for a longer period, since this year I only came for five days. What I had the opportunity to hear and see before arriving, everything was like that when we arrived, nothing was invented, you should come here and see for yourself in all this. As far as the work itself is concerned, it is not difficult at all, because we organize together, we all do everything together, so it is more a pleasure to work than it is difficult. – Zorica told us.

Something else delighted Zorica in Visoko, and that is the hospitality, welcome and kindness of the people she stayed with these past few days. She also likes how all the locations are very well mapped, easy to find and easy to navigate for everything you need in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. During her short stay, she had the opportunity to visit the tunnels of Ravne, as well as the Pyramid of the Sun.
